  • 《Annals of Forest Science》 2002年59卷5/6期

摘要 : Two parental linkage maps have been constructed from the P. pinaster reference population (0024 x C803) based on AFLP, SSR and EST markers. Although segregating polymorphism was low due to a high degree of homozygosity in the pare... 展开

作者 Ritter E   Aragones A   Markussen T   Achere V   Espinel S   Fladung M  
期刊名称 《Annals of Forest Science》
总页数 7
语种/中图分类号 英语 / S7  
关键词 Aflp   ssr   est markers   Genetic mapping   Microsatellite markers   Protein markers   Maritime pine   Genetic-map   Radiata   Aflp   Rflp   Loci   Rapd   Dna  
馆藏号 N2008EPST0007160