The suitability of agricultural sites for the production of woody biomass using fast-growing trees in short-rotation coppice plantations is being investigated in a joint multi-discipline project in Germany. The basis of this proje...
The suitability of agricultural sites for the production of woody biomass using fast-growing trees in short-rotation coppice plantations is being investigated in a joint multi-discipline project in Germany. The basis of this project are 2 trial plantations, one in Bavaria (south Germany) and the other in Hesse (central Germany). At the trial plantation in Bavaria (Abbachhof), 6 aspen progenies were planted in 1983 and tested for their suitability in different short-rotation periods (5 and 10 yr) and 3 different spacings. At the other location in Hesse (Canstein), 14 aspen progenies were planted in 1986 and tested in a 10-yr rotation period at one spacing. The progenies tested resulted from cross-pollinations of selected trees of European (Populustremula) and American aspen (P. tremuloides). The trials show that hybrid aspens have a higher biomass production in short rotations than progenies from European or American aspen. This is due to a lower mortality rate as well as to a higher growth rate.Even on sites low in nutrients and with only average water availability hybrid aspens are capable of producing biomass on an average of 100 t/ha (wood and bark including branches, absolutely dry) within a 10-yr rotation period. The results show that theharvesting should be done at more than 10 yr in order to achieve a maximum average biomass production per year.