[会议]Publishing House of Electronics Industry2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference Proceedings  Zhang Chang-sen, Mao Yan, China National Committee of URSI, Chinese Institute of Electronics(CIE), International Union of Radio Science(URSI)

摘要: Starting from the basic electromagnetic theory, the radiation characteristic of eight-slot leaky coaxial cable is studied, the existing condition of radiation mode is given, and the frequency bandwidth of the single-mode radiation... 展开

作者 Zhang Chang-sen   Mao Yan   China National Committee of URSI   Chinese Institute of Electronics(CIE)   International Union of Radio Science(URSI)  
文集名称 2004 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference Proceedings
出版年 2004
出版社/出版地 Publishing House of Electronics Industry / Beijing
会议名称 Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference  
开始页/总页数 114 / 5
会议日期/会议地点 2004 / Qingdao 会议年 2004
中图分类号 TN014  
关键词 eight-shaped slot leaky coaxial cable radiation characteristic   single-mode radiation high-order mode restraint  
馆藏号 N2008EMST0010316