[会议]Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers2013 9th International wireless communications and mobile computing conference  Amanpreet Singh, Mei Xiang, Andreas Konsgen, Carmelita Goerg

摘要: With the onset of multiple wireless technologies, the end-host devices of today are multi-homed. This has led to research in the simultaneous use of multiple paths between the multi-homed end devices. New multipath transport proto... 展开

作者 Amanpreet Singh   Mei Xiang   Andreas Konsgen   Carmelita Goerg  
文集名称 2013 9th International wireless communications and mobile computing conference
出版年 2013
出版社/出版地 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Piscataway
会议名称 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference  
开始页/总页数 947 / 6
会议日期/会议地点 20130701-05 / Sardinia 会议年/会议届次 2013 / 9th
中图分类号 TN92-53  
关键词 Multipath TCP   Fairness   Congestion Control   Multihomed  
馆藏号 N2014110400217631