The results of a project in the Yurimaguas area of Amazonian Peru are presented. The project was coordinated by ICRAF and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and carried out by personnel from CIRAD-Foret and INIA [Ins...
The results of a project in the Yurimaguas area of Amazonian Peru are presented. The project was coordinated by ICRAF and funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and carried out by personnel from CIRAD-Foret and INIA [Instituto Nacional deInvestigacion Agraria]. Two satellite images were used as a basic source of forest cover and landscape features: a SPOT panchromatic image acquired in 1989, and a SPOT multispectral image acquired in 1995, when ground survey was undertaken to quantify and analyse the dynamics of deforestation. The area around the town of Yurimaguas has seen relatively few new settlers established. Analysis of ground survey data and satellite images resulted in a typology of the 4 cropping systems in use in the area: (1)a diversified system in which forest and field elements are well-integrated (arable crops, selective felling in the forest, pasture and orchards), found along the Huallaga river, with good access to the market, and on fertile soils; (2) a pasture-basedsystem, with banana plantations and pisciculture, found between the Shanussi and Paranapura rivers, on degraded land which was the earliest to be cleared (often >100 years ago) for rubber; (3) an irrigated rice system on lowland in the Huallaga and Shanussi river valleys, which is dependent on maintenance of irrigation equipment, and in some areas the system has been abandoned; and (4) slopes on the forest margins, in which shifting cultivation (slash and burn) is practised by the poorest farmers or themost recent arrivals, in small plots (4- to 5-ha) with 5-year fallow before a rice crop, and an 8-year fallow before a maize crop. In addition, there are illicit coca [Erythroxylum coca] plantations deep within the forest. Although the image analysis indicated only a low rate of deforestation (0.4% annually), this did not distinguish between secondary forest regrowth and destruction of primary forest. The analysis indicated links between distance from the rivers (communication and transport) and market