The basis of this study were 132 adult Allis Shad and 150 Twaite Shad collected as bycatches from salmon stake nets in Scotland on the north side of the Solway Firth. Most (60%) of the Allis Shad were immature fish 2-3 years of ag...
The basis of this study were 132 adult Allis Shad and 150 Twaite Shad collected as bycatches from salmon stake nets in Scotland on the north side of the Solway Firth. Most (60%) of the Allis Shad were immature fish 2-3 years of age (mean length 305 mm). Mature males were younger (3-5 years) and smaller (mean length 421 mm) than females (4-6 years and 481 mm mean length). The largest Allis Shad was a female of 515 mm and 2183 g. In contrast, almost all the Twaite Shad were mature, the males younger (3-5 years) and smaller (mean length 341 mm) than the females (4-6 years and 364 mm mean length). The largest Twaite Shad was a female of 400 mm and 1213 g. The food of Allis Shad consisted mainly of small zooplankton with some fish and larger Crustacea. Fine vegetable fragments were common in the stomachs and attributed to filter feeding. The food of Twaite Shad was mainly small fish with some Crustacea. Mature Allis Shad of both sexes with large gonads (maximum female GSI: 20.63) were found throughout the spring and summer but no definite evidence of local spawning was obtained. Mature Twaite Shad of both sexes with large gonads (maximum female GSI: 23.32) were found until early July, thereafter most of the fish were spent. It appears that Twaite Shad spawn locally in June. Some hybrids between the two species were found.