[科技报告]AD  Weaver, M. J., Gao, X.34

摘要: A simple electrostatic treatment of the energetics of sequential solution-phase electron transfers involving metallic clusters and other large solutes is outlined and related to the conventional description for charging of gas-pha... 展开

作者 Weaver, M. J.   Gao, X.  
原报告号 ADA257057 总页数 34
主办者 Non Paid ADAS
报告分类号 [ 99F - Physical &amp, Theoretical Chemistry]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Electron transfer   Interfaces   Energetic properties   Gases   Capacitance   Charge density   Density   Electrodes   Electrostatics   Metals   Solvation   Surfaces   Transfer   Vacuum   Molecular properties   Solutions(Mixtures)   Molecular capacitance   Metallic clusters   Zero charge   Planar surfaces   Fullerenes  