[科技报告]AD  Zhang, X. L., Hupp, J. T., Danzer, G. D.26

摘要: We have been exploring the proton-coupled reductions of various dioxorhenium(V) species because of the more general insights they provide into the kinetics and thermodynamics of multielectron transfer processes. The rhenium (V) co... 展开

作者 Zhang, X. L.   Hupp, J. T.   Danzer, G. D.  
原报告号 ADA266307 总页数 26
主办者 Non Paid ADAS
报告分类号 [ 99F - Physical &amp, Theoretical Chemistry, 99D - Basic &amp, Synthetic Chemistry]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Electron transfer   Rhenium   Chemical reactions   Molecular structure   Interfaces   Electrochemistry   Kinetics   Pyridines   Oxidation   Thermodynamics   Protons   Ligands   Excitation   Isomers   Voltammetry   Activation energy   Decoupling   Dioxorhenium complexes   Electric potential  