[科技报告]AD  Appleby, A. J., Srinivasan, S.10

摘要: The objectives of this project are to investigate the physico-chemical properties of some solid polymer electrolytes and of electrode kinetic parameters of oxygen reduction at the platinum/solid polymer electrolyte interface; opti... 展开

作者 Appleby, A. J.   Srinivasan, S.  
原报告号 ADA223068 总页数 10
主办者 Non Paid ADAS
报告分类号 [ 97O - Miscellaneous Energy Conversion &amp, Storage, 97M - Batteries &amp, Components, 99C - Polymer Chemistry, 99F - Physical &amp, Theoretical Chemistry]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Density   Electrochemistry   Fuel cells   Oxygen   Polymers   Power   Solid electrolytes   Stacking   Bipolar systems   Cells   Condensation   Diffusion coefficient   Electrodes   Electrolytes   Energy storage   External   Gases   Heat transfer   High density   High power   Kinetics   Management   Mass transfer   Membranes   Metal plates   Models   Optimization   Parameters   Physicochemical properties   Recirculation   Reduction   Solubility   Structures   Temperature control   Thinness   Water   Solid-solid interfaces  