[科技报告]AD  Barr, J. A.49

摘要: This research project studies the employment of airpower by the Fifth Air Force, under Gen George C. Kenney, in the Southwest Pacific Theater during World War II. The research began with two basic assumptions. First, it assumed th... 展开

作者 Barr, J. A.  
原报告号 ADA397961 总页数 49
主办者 Non Paid ADAS
报告分类号 [74G - Military Operations, Strategy, & Tactics79F - Fire Control & Bombing Systems]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Military strategy   Military doctrine   Air power   Strategic bombing   Warfare   Air force   Theater level operations   Industries   Attack   Theses   Aeronautics   Air space   History   Bomber aircraft   First world war   Second world war   Fifth air force   George c kenney