[科技报告]AD  Johnson, N. B., Robertson, S. H., Hall, D. S.222

摘要: This five-volume publication has been compiled to assist design engineers in understanding the design considerations associated with the development of crash-resistant U.S. Army aircraft. A collection of available information and ... 展开

作者 Johnson, N. B.   Robertson, S. H.   Hall, D. S.  
原报告号 ADA218438 总页数 222
主办者 Army Non Paid ADAS
报告分类号 [51C - Aircraft, 51B - Aeronautics, 85A - Air Transportation, 85D - Transportation Safety]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Army aircraft   Crash resistance   Crashworthiness   Survival(General)   Aircraft seats   Airframes   Behavior   Checkout procedures   Control   Crashes   Ditching   Emergencies   Engineers   Environments   Escape systems   Fires   Fuel systems   Hazards   Humans   Ignition   Internal   Materials   Structural properties   Tolerances(Physiology)   Aviation safety   Design standards   Postcrash survival  