[科技报告]AD  Matyba, P., Carr, A., Chen, C., Miller, D. L., Peng, G., Mathias, S., Mavrikakis, M., Dessau, D. S., Keller, M. W., Kapteyn, H. C.7

摘要: Hybridization of atomic orbitals in graphene on Ni(111) opens up a large energy gap of approximately equal to 2.8 eV between nonhybridized states at the K point. Here we use alkali-metal adsorbate to reduce and even eliminate this... 展开

作者 Matyba, P.   Carr, A.   Chen, C.   Miller, D. L.   Peng, G.   Mathias, S.   Mavrikakis, M.   Dessau, D. S.   Keller, M. W.   Kapteyn, H. C.  
原报告号 ADA625236 总页数 7
主办者 Non Paid ADAS
报告分类号 [99F - Physical & Theoretical Chemistry, 71M - Miscellaneous Materials, 46C - Optics & Lasers]
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Alkali metals   Coupling(interaction)   Graphene   Substrates   Adsorption   Atomic properties   Charge transfer   Decoupling   Density functional theory   Doping   Energy gaps   Excitation   Fermi surfaces   Hybridization   Nonlinear systems   Optical properties   Photoelectric emission   Spectroscopy   Atomic orbitals   Electronic properties   Arpes(angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy)  