[科技报告]DE  Mest, S., Garry, W. B., Ostrach, L. R., Han, S., Staid, M. I.2

摘要: The Moon contains broad and isolated areas of plains that have been recognized as mare, cryptomare, impact ejecta, or impact melt. These deposits have been extensively studied on the lunar nearside by remote sensing via telescopes... 展开

作者 Mest, S.   Garry, W. B.   Ostrach, L. R.   Han, S.   Staid, M. I.  
原报告号 N160005768 总页数 2
主办者 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
报告分类号 [ 54 - Astronomy &amp, Astrophysics, 84B - Extraterrestrial Exploration]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Lunar far side   Lunar maria   Ejecta   Deposits   Highlands   Impact melts   Maria   Telescopes   Volcanoes   Remote sensing  