[科技报告]PB  Motamed, M., Machemehl, R.42

摘要: The US Department of Transportation (US-DOT) estimates that over half of all congestion events are caused by highway incidents rather than by rush-hour traffic in big cities. Real-time incident detection on freeways is an importan... 展开

作者 Motamed, M.   Machemehl, R.  
原报告号 PB2015101197 总页数 42
主办者 Texas Transportation Institute Texas A&M University
报告分类号 [91B - Transportation &amp, Traffic Planning, 43G - Transportation, 85H - Road Transportation]
报告类别/文献类型 PB / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Freeways   Incident management   Detection   Traffic accidents   Algorithms   Dynamics   Motor vehicle accidents   Real time operations   Traffic congestion   Traffic control   Traffic demand   Traffic safety   Travel demand   Travel patterns   Dallas(Texas)  