[科技报告]DE  23

摘要: The newsletter ''New Releases'' describes the reports and activities by the US EIA during the previous month. This annotated information describes activities, publications, machine-readable data files, modelling programs, data com... 展开

原报告号 DE92009866 总页数 23
报告分类号 [97G: Energy: Policies, Regulations & Studies, 97B: Energy: Energy Use, Supply, & Demand, 97K: Energy: Fuels, 88E: Library & Information Sciences: Reference Materials]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 EDB/990300   EDB/298000   EDB/292000   EDB/290600   EDB/290100   EDB /290400   EDB/294000   EDB/296000  