[科技报告]DE  Kato, Y., Furukawa, K., Ohno, H., Katsuta, H., Tsunekawa, K.48

摘要: Molten salt is one of candidate materials for blanket coolant of plasma-confinement type fusion reactors. However it has not been studied that the effect of a magnetic field on the corrosion behavior of metallic surface in contact... 展开

作者 Kato, Y.   Furukawa, K.   Ohno, H.   Katsuta, H.   Tsunekawa, K.  
原报告号 DE90004012 总页数 48
主办者 TIC Translation
报告分类号 [77A - Thermonuclear Fusion Devices]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Molten Salts   Boundary Conditions   Breeding Blankets   Calibration   Coolants   Cooling Systems   Electrochemical Corrosion   Electrodes   Flow Rate   Flowmeters   Fluid Flow   Magnetic Fields   Magnetic Flux   Maxwell Equations   Thermonuclear Reactor Materials   Foreign technology   EDB/700209   EDB/700204   Translations  