[科技报告]DE  Gohar, Y.31

摘要: The nuclear design of fusion reactor components (e.g., first wall, blanket, shield, magnet, limiter, divertor, etc.) requires an accurate prediction of the radiation field, the radiation damage parameters, and the activation analy... 展开

作者 Gohar, Y.  
原报告号 DE85018376 总页数 31
主办者 Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
报告分类号 [77A - Thermonuclear Fusion Devices]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Thermonuclear Reactor Materials   Thermonuclear Reactors   Breeding Blankets   Breeding Ratio   Information Needs   Neutron Flux   Physical Radiation Effects   Tritium   ERDA/700209  