[科技报告]DE  Morelli, G. L.34

摘要: A laser damage test station was designed and built at the Allied Signal Inc., Kansas City Division (KCD). The purpose of this effort was to establish the capability for testing polished optical fibers for high energy laser transmi... 展开

作者 Morelli, G. L.  
原报告号 DE93017143 总页数 34
主办者 Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
报告分类号 [46C - Optics & Lasers71L - Materials Degradation & Fouling]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Optical Fibers   Laser Radiation   Damage   Measuring Instruments   Measuring Methods   Physical Radiation Effects   Specifications   Laser damage   Radiation damage   EDB/420200   EDB/360605   EDB/426002   YAG lasers  