[科技报告]DE  Jones, O. S., Glenzer, S. H., Suter, L. J., Turner, R. E., Campbell, K. M.18

摘要: We present the first measurements of the absolute albedos of hohlraums made from gold or from high-Z mixtures. The measurements are performed over the range of radiation temperatures (70-100 eV) expected during the foot of an indi... 展开

作者 Jones, O. S.   Glenzer, S. H.   Suter, L. J.   Turner, R. E.   Campbell, K. M.  
原报告号 DE200315005409 总页数 18
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Hohlraums   Absolute albedos   Radiation temperatures   Wall albedo   Capsule radiation symmetry   Gold albedo   Measurements  