[科技报告]PB  Davis, D. , Bradshaw, J. , Sandholm, S. , Rodgers, M. , Chameides, W.76

摘要: The second year of work under this contract concentrated on instrument development and field studies to investigate the atmospheric chemistry of the nitrogen oxide family. Available laboratory and field data, in conjunction with m... 展开

作者 Davis, D.   Bradshaw, J.   Sandholm, S.   Rodgers, M.   Chameides, W.  
原报告号 PB87-219374 总页数 76
主办者 Colorado Coll., Colorado Springs.^Coordinating Research Council, Inc., Atlanta, GA.
报告类别/文献类型 PB / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Nitrogen oxides   Gas detectors   Nitrogen dioxide   Nitrogen oxide(NO)   Atmospheric circulation   Models   Sampling  