[科技报告]DE  Oyama, Y.141

摘要: This paper presents an experimental approach to interpret the results of integral experiments for fusion neutronics research. The measurement is described of the angular neutron flux on a restricted area of slab assemblies with D-... 展开

作者 Oyama, Y.  
原报告号 DE88754815 总页数 141
主办者 TIC Foreign Exchange Reports
报告分类号 [77A - Thermonuclear Fusion Devices46 - Physics]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Neutron Spectra   Thermonuclear Reactors   Accuracy   Angular Distribution   Breeding Blankets   Computer Calculations   Deuterium   Integral Cross Sections   Monte Carlo Method   Neutron Transport   Neutrons   Time-of-Flight Method   Tritium