[科技报告]DE  Donaldson, W.56

摘要: This volume of the LLE Review, covering the period July-September 1987, contains an article on the measurement of rho R in high-compression laser-fusion experiments using secondary reactions. The section on advanced technology has... 展开

作者 Donaldson, W.  
原报告号 DE88003986 总页数 56
主办者 Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
报告分类号 [77A - Thermonuclear Fusion Devices]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Lasers   Amplifiers   Crystal Structure   Electron Diffraction   Electron Temperature   Inertial Confinement   Laser Materials   Laser Mirrors   Optical Equipment   Plasma Density   Progress Report   Reflection   Research Programs   Surfaces   Switching Circuits   Time Resolution   Wave Forms  