[科技报告]AD  West, C. D.158

摘要: Ballistic limit data for 9-ply T21E2 helmets laminated from materials recommended by the Ordnance Department on the basis of this research. The V50 ballistic limit reported by the Aberdeen Proving Grounds using the T-37 projectile... 展开

作者 West, C. D.  
原报告号 ADA954809 总页数 158
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Armor   Armor plate   Ballistics   Commercial equipment   Curved profiles   Deflection   Energy   Fabrics   High strength   Impact   Laminates   Light   Limitations   Nylon   Ordnance   Parts   Punching machines   Rupture   Shape   Shear strength   Tensile properties   Tensile strength   Transpar  