[科技报告]AD  Natan, M. J., Mallouk, T. E., Wrighton, M. S.39

摘要: Electrochemical properties of an array of closely spaced (1.2 micrometers) Au or Pt microelectrodes (approx. micrometers wide x approx. 50 micrometers long x 0.1 micrometer high) coated by a 0.15 micrometers thick layer of polycry... 展开

作者 Natan, M. J.   Mallouk, T. E.   Wrighton, M. S.  
原报告号 ADA172563 总页数 39
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Transistors   Microelectronics   Electrodes   Electrochemistry   Gold   Platinum   Coatings   Tungsten oxides   Polycrystalline   Ph factor   Sensitivity   Anilines   Thiophenes   Methyl radicals   Polymers   Surfaces   Modification  