[科技报告]AD  Green, M., Chilcoat, M., Stromeyer, C. F.4

摘要: Prolonged viewing of a moving pattern selectively elevates the threshold for a pattern moving in the same direction and induces the classical motion aftereffect (MAE). Thee aftereffect is seen as a slow drift in the opposite direc... 展开

作者 Green, M.   Chilcoat, M.   Stromeyer, C. F.  
原报告号 ADA166999 总页数 4
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Vision   Threshold effects   Space perception   Flicker   Detectors   Eye   Low frequency   Motion   Patterns   Spatial distribution   Detection   Stimuli   Transients   Humans   Contrast   Long range(Time)   High velocity   Adaptation   Reprints  