[科技报告]AD  Kirkham, W. R., Simpson, J. M., Wallace, T. F., Grape, P. M.44

摘要: Aircraft crashworthiness features are presented, as others have done, in terms of packaging principles. Modern aerial application aircraft are recognized as being the most crashworthy in the civil aviation fleet. Eighteen accident... 展开

作者 Kirkham, W. R.   Simpson, J. M.   Wallace, T. F.   Grape, P. M.  
原报告号 AD-A084619 总页数 44
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Aviation accidents   Crashes   Protection   Cockpits   Restraint   Pilots   Harnesses   Impact   Aircraft seats   Aviation injuries   Crash injuries   Failure(Mechanics)