[科技报告]DE  Hoch, M.34

摘要: The solubility of H sub 2 , D sub 2 and T sub 2 in liquid Pb-Li alloys was calculated, using the thermodynamic data in the binary systems. In the temperature range of 500 to 1500 K and composition range .01<<xsub(Li)<0.6, the solu... 展开

作者 Hoch, M.  
原报告号 DE86751399 总页数 34
主办者 TIC Foreign Exchange Reports
报告分类号 [77A - Thermonuclear Fusion Devices]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Deuterium   Hydrogen   Lead Alloys   Lithium Alloys   Tritium   Binary Alloy Systems   High Temperature   Liquid Metals   Phase Studies   Quantity Ratio   Solubility   Solvent Properties   Temperature Dependence   Very High Temperature  