[科技报告]DE  Wu, C. H.154

摘要: Thermodynamic properties have been evaluated by the third law or second law method using the equilibrium constant measured by mass spectrometry of the species in an effurate from a Knudsen cell. (ERA citation 09:044038)

作者 Wu, C. H.  
原报告号 DE84751629 总页数 154
主办者 TIC Foreign Exchange Reports
报告分类号 [99F - Physical & Theoretical Chemistry77A - Thermonuclear Fusion Devices]
报告类别/文献类型 DE / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Alkali Metals   Cyanides   Lithium   Lithium Compounds   Lithium Hydrides   Lithium Oxides   Bibliographies   Binding Energy   Breeding Blankets   Evaluated Data   Experimental Data   Ion Pairs   Ionized Gases   Lithium 6   Lithium 7   Mass Spectroscopy   Molecular Ions   Molecules  