[科技报告]PB  Staudenmaier, M., Preston, R., Sorenson, P.76

摘要: ;Contents: Narrative Geographical and Climatological Summary; TemperatureRecords; Precipitation Records; Miscellaneous Information.

作者 Staudenmaier, M.   Preston, R.   Sorenson, P.  
原报告号 PB98173511 总页数 76
报告分类号 [55C Meteorological Data Collection, Analysis, and Weather Forecasting]
报告类别/文献类型 PB / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Climate   Weather observations   Meteorological data   Weather stations   Airtemperature   Precipitation(Meteorology)   Snowfall   Rainfall   Thunderstorms   Sunshine   Cloud cover   Solar radiation   Sunrise   Sunset   Cooling   Heating   History   Arizona  