[科技报告]NASA  Wan, Zheng-Ming28

摘要: We made more tests of the version 2.0 daily Level 2 and Level 3 Land-Surface Temperature (LST) code (PGE 16) jointly with the MODIS Science Data Support Team (SDST). After making minor changes a few times, the PGE16 code has been ... 展开

作者 Wan, Zheng-Ming  
原报告号 N19980210010 总页数 28
主办者 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC.
报告类别/文献类型 NASA / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Temperature measurement   Land surface temperature   Imaging spectrometers   Infrared radiation   Temperature gradients   Surface temperature   Data bases   Algorithms   Calibrating   Clearing   Daytime   Drying   Emissivity   Flight simulators   Flight tests   Meteorology   Radiometers