[科技报告]NASA  Wu, J. M. , Wu, J. Z. , Denny, G. A. , Lu, X. Y.47

摘要: In generating the lift on a wing, the static stall is a severe barrier. As the angle of attack, alpha, increases to the stall angle, alpha(sub stall) the flow separation point on the upper surface of the wing moves to the leading ... 展开

作者 Wu, J. M.   Wu, J. Z.   Denny, G. A.   Lu, X. Y.  
原报告号 N19980010453 总页数 47
主办者 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC.
报告类别/文献类型 NASA / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Vortices   Wing flaps   Angle of attack   Aerodynamic drag   Separated flow   Valleys   Steady flow   Slender wings   Leading edges   Expansion   Boundary layer separation   Bluff bodies   Augmentation   Aspect ratio   Aerodynamic stalling   Aerodynamic coefficients  