[科技报告]NASA  Cintala, M. J. , Grieve, R. A. F.51

摘要: The consequences of impact on the solid bodies of the solar system are manifest and legion. Although the visible effects on planetary surfaces, such as the Moon's, are the most obvious testimony to the spatial and temporal importa... 展开

作者 Cintala, M. J.   Grieve, R. A. F.  
原报告号 N19980008049 总页数 51
主办者 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
报告类别/文献类型 NASA / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Impact melts   Lunar craters   Lunar crust   Lunar geology   Lunar rocks   Lunar soil   Metamorphism(Geology)   Moon   Structural basins   Shock loads   Hypervelocity impact   Breccia   Cratering   Craters   Geochemistry   Lithology   Melting   Planetary surfaces   Photogeology   Petrography  