[科技报告]NASA  Lambert, W. C. , Wheeler, M. M.56

摘要: This report documents the results of the Applied Meteorology Unit's NEXRAD Exploitation Task. The objectives of this task are to determine what radar signatures are present prior to and at the time of convection initiation, and to... 展开

作者 Lambert, W. C.   Wheeler, M. M.  
原报告号 N19970012473 总页数 56
主办者 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, DC.
报告类别/文献类型 NASA / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Radar signatures   Convection   Radar data   Storms(Meteorology)   Wind velocity   Meteorology   Doppler radar   Reflectance   Merritt island(Fl)   Lakes   Sea breeze   Fires   Hail   Aspect ratio   Meteorological radar   Weather forecasting  