[科技报告]PB  van der Heijde, P. K. M.154

摘要: The present report contains the result of research and information processingactivities supporting evaluation of the capabilities of various unsaturated zone flow and transport models in predicting the movement of hazardous chemic... 展开

作者 van der Heijde, P. K. M.  
原报告号 PB94157773 总页数 154
主办者 Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Lab., Ada, OK.
报告分类号 [68C Solid Wastes Pollution and Control , 68D Water Pollution and Control , 48G Hydrology and Limnology , 99A Analytical Chemistry , 99D Basic and Synthetic Chemistry]
报告类别/文献类型 PB / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Hazardous materials   Water flow   Sediment transport   Ground water   Superfund   Chemical compounds   Models   Unsaturation   Models   Information   Classifying   Moisture content   Fluid infiltration   Tables(Data)  