[科技报告]NASA  Apostolakis, G. E., Catton, I., Paulos, T., Paxton, K., Jones, S.203

摘要: Discussions from a workshop to guide UCLA and NASA investigators on the state ofknowledge and perceived needs in spacecraft fire safety and its risk management are reviewed, for an introduction to an analytical and experimental pr... 展开

作者 Apostolakis, G. E.   Catton, I.   Paulos, T.   Paxton, K.   Jones, S.  
原报告号 N9313715 总页数 203
报告类别/文献类型 NASA / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Aerospace safety   Fire prevention   Flammability   Safety management   Spacecraftenvironments   Combustion physics   Fires   Risk   Damage   Reduced gravity   Smoke   Space stations   Spacecraft design  