[科技报告]AD  Hamilton, S. W.98

摘要: The synoptic and mesoscale meteorological conditions were analyzed for Phase I ofthe Coordinated Eastern Arctic Experiment (CEAREX) from 17 September 1988 to 7 January 1989. Meteorological observations from a research ship (R/V Po... 展开

作者 Hamilton, S. W.  
原报告号 ADA245194 总页数 98
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Arctic regions   Meteorology   Arctic Ocean   Arrays   Buoys   Case studies   Cyclogenesis   Cyclones   Drift   East(Direction)   Fram Strait   Greenland Sea   High pressure   Images   Long range(Time)   Patterns   Research ships   Satellite photography   Tools   Weather  