[科技报告]AD  Little, B. J., Wagner, P. A., Jones, J. M., McNeil, M. B.19

摘要: Sections of CDA 706 piping and Monel 400 tubing were severely pitted afterexposure to marine and estuarine waters, respectively. Surfaces of both alloys were uniformly covered with thick surface deposits, ranging in color form blu... 展开

作者 Little, B. J.   Wagner, P. A.   Jones, J. M.   McNeil, M. B.  
原报告号 AD-A229874 总页数 19
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Sea water   Acids   Aeration   Alloys   Anodes   Bacteria   Base metal   Cathodes   Cells   Chlorine   Consistency   Copper   Deposits   Estuaries   Exposure(General)   Iron   Morphology   Nickel   Piping systems   Sulfur   Surfaces   Thickness   Water  