[科技报告]AD  Holcomb, R. S., Griffin, F. P.87

摘要: The Defense Appropriations Act of 1986 requires the Department of Defense to usean additional 1,600,000 tons/year of coal at their U.S. facilities by 1995 and also states that the most economical fuel should be used at each facili... 展开

作者 Holcomb, R. S.   Griffin, F. P.  
原报告号 AD-A227646 总页数 87
报告类别/文献类型 AD / NTIS科技报告
关键词 Air force facilities   Coal   Economic analysis   Air force   Airports   Benefits   Heating plants   Cost analysis   Costs   Economics   Fuels   Life cycle costs   Low costs   Savings   Scenarios  