[会议]Programming languages and systems  Amr Hany Saleh, Georgios Karachalias, Matija Pretnar, Tom Schrijvers

摘要: As popularity of algebraic effects and handlers increases, so does a demand for their efficient execution. Eff, an ML-like language with native support for handlers, has a subtyping-based effect system on which an effect-aware opt... 展开

作者 Amr Hany Saleh   Georgios Karachalias   Matija Pretnar   Tom Schrijvers  
文集名称 Programming languages and systems
出版年 2018
会议名称 European symposium on programming;European joint conferences on theory and practice of software  
页码 327-354 开始页/总页数 00000327 / 28
会议地点 Thessaloniki(GR) 会议年/会议届次 2018 / 27th;21st
馆藏号 P1800933