[会议]Product-focused software process improvement  Harri Sten, Hannu Jaakkola, Kari Systae

摘要: Distribution of software development is increasingly global and crosses the geographical and cultural borders. As software development is creative teamwork, the distribution is not about mechanical division of work. The poster pre... 展开

作者 Harri Sten   Hannu Jaakkola   Kari Systae  
文集名称 Product-focused software process improvement
出版年 2016
会议名称 International conference on product-focused software process improvement  
页码 615-620 开始页/总页数 00000615 / 6
会议地点 Trondheim(NO) 会议年/会议届次 2016 / 17th
关键词 Distributed development   Software development   Management  
馆藏号 P1700277