[会议]Fourth Asia Pacific optical sensors conference  Hao Congjing, Lu Ying, Wu Baoqun, Duan Liangcheng, Wang Mintuo, Yao Jianquan

摘要: A study of polymer photonic crystal fiber (PCF) sensor coated with smart composite materials for measurements of refractive index of analyte is presented in this paper. The proposed sensor combines the characteristics of polymer P... 展开

作者 Hao Congjing   Lu Ying   Wu Baoqun   Duan Liangcheng   Wang Mintuo   Yao Jianquan  
文集名称 Fourth Asia Pacific optical sensors conference
出版年 2013
会议名称 Asia Pacific optical sensors conference  
页码 892426.1-892426.4 开始页/总页数 892426.1 / 4
会议地点 Wuhan(CN) 会议年/会议届次 2013 / 4th
关键词 SPR sensor   polymer PCF   nano-composite material  
馆藏号 P1400116