[会议]2011 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference : Technical Abstracts  HAN Ting-Ting, LIU Yan-Ge, WANG Zhi

摘要: We report a highly tunable liquid-filled photonic bandgap fiber (LF-PBGF) based on both bend and temperature change. Numerical and experimental results are presented, and 177-nm bandwidth tunability is achieved by tuning the tempe... 展开

作者 HAN Ting-Ting   LIU Yan-Ge   WANG Zhi  
文集名称 2011 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference : Technical Abstracts
出版年 2011
会议名称 Asia Communications and Photonics Conference  
页码 1-4 开始页/总页数 1 / 4
会议地点 Shanghai(CN) 会议年 2011
中图分类号 TN91  
关键词 liquid-filled photonic bandgap fiber   polymer   bend   temperature   bandwidth   compression   tunibility   PCF  
馆藏号 CDC03464000