[会议]Semantic techniques for the web  Jose Julio Alferes, Michael Eckert, Wolfgang May

摘要: Evolution and reactivity in the Semantic Web address the vision and concrete need for an active Web, where data sources evolve autonomously and perceive and react to events. In 2004, when the Rewerse project started, regarding wor... 展开

作者 Jose Julio Alferes   Michael Eckert   Wolfgang May  
文集名称 Semantic techniques for the web
出版年 2009
会议名称 REWERSE on reasoning on the web  
页码 P.161-200 开始页/总页数 00000161 / 40
会议日期 2009 会议年 2009
中图分类号 TP393  
馆藏号 P1000742