[会议]Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference  Mao Yanbin, Liu Feng, Mei Shengwei

摘要: The interconnection of large-scale distributed generation with power grids brings about significant impacts on the grid patterns, the topologies and the network performances of the future power grids. In this paper, these impacts ... 展开

作者 Mao Yanbin   Liu Feng   Mei Shengwei  
文集名称 Proceedings of the 29th Chinese Control Conference
出版年 2010
页码 P.4714-4720 开始页/总页数 00004714 / 7
会议日期/会议地点 2010 / Beijing(CN) 会议年/会议届次 2010 / 29th
中图分类号 TP273  
关键词 Complex Network Theory   Distributed Generation   Evaluation Index   Power Grid   Topological Characteristic  
馆藏号 IEL14776 (5562463)