  • Chen, Shixuan.
  • The University of Wisconsin - Madison.
ISBN 9798535596853
作者 Chen, Shixuan.   授予学位单位 The University of Wisconsin - Madison.  
导师 Eriten, Melih 学位 Ph.D.
学科 Materials science.   Load.   Mechanical properties.   Titanium alloys.   Nanoparticles.   Topography.   Alumina.   Solid lubricants.   Protective coatings.   Lubricants & lubrication.   Heat.   Engineering.   Microstructure.   Ablation.   国籍 US
页码/总页数 129 p. / 129 出版年 2019
中图分类号 TB3, TB1
关键词 hardness   microstructure   nanoparticle   Pulsed laser   tribology   wear resistance