  • Al Ali, Mohammed M.
  • Colorado School of Mines.
ISBN 9798516977688
作者 Al Ali, Mohammed M.   授予学位单位 Colorado School of Mines.  
导师 Ozkan, Erdal 学位 M.S.
学科 Petroleum engineering.   Research.   Simulation.   Partial differential equations.   Viscosity.   Fractured reservoirs.   Values.   Permeability.   Engineering.   Methods.   Literature reviews.   Objectives.   Advisors.   Gas flow.   COVID-19.   国籍 US
页码/总页数 117 p. / 117 出版年 2021
中图分类号 TE, TB1
关键词 Analysis   Multiphase   Pseudopressure   Transient   Unconventionals