  • Ramachandra, Samarth.
  • The University of Texas at Arlington.
ISBN 9798516908088
作者 Ramachandra, Samarth.   授予学位单位 The University of Texas at Arlington.  
导师 Shayesteh, Narges 学位 M.S.M.E.
学科 Mechanical engineering.   国籍 US
页码/总页数 72 p. / 72 出版年 2021
中图分类号 TH
关键词 Additive manufacturing   3D printing   Metal additive manufacturing   IN718   Mechanical Properties   Inconel 718   Microstructure   Porous structures   Lattice structures   Scanning electron microscope   X-Ray diffraction   LBAM   SLM   PBF