[机翻] 非个人识别信息对在线服务消费者的价值:来自离散选择实验的证据
  • 《Applied economics letters》 2017年24卷4/6期

摘要 : We estimate the value of non-personally identifying information to consumers of online services through a discrete choice experiment based on hypothetical streaming video services. Non-personally identifying information for online... 展开

作者 Glasgow~ Garrett   Butler~ Sarah  
期刊名称 《Applied economics letters》
页码/总页数 392-395 / 4
语种/中图分类号 英语 / F8  
关键词 Privacy   experiment   mixed logit   willingness to pay   C25   C93   D12  
DOI 10.1080/13504851.2016.1197357
馆藏号 F-266