[机翻] 可溶性植酸的有效性影响烟草细胞外植酸酶活性对植酸磷的同化
  • 《Plant and Soil》 2006年279卷1/2期

摘要 : Phytate, the major organic phosphorus in soil, is not readily available to plants as a source of phosphorus (P). It is either complexed with cations or adsorbed to various soil components. The present study was carried out to inve... 展开

作者 Shiu-Cheung Lung   Boon L. Lim  
期刊名称 《Plant and Soil》
页码/总页数 187-199 / 13
语种 英语
关键词 inositol hexakisphosphate   phosphate   phosphorus   phytase   phytate   tobacco  
DOI 10.1007/s11104-005-1009-1
馆藏号 E139EP00931