[机翻] 在资源日益萎缩的时代,我们如何镇定自若
  • 《Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Mental Retardation)》 2011年49卷6期

摘要 : A few of us lonely voices have long beenwarning (e.g., Wolfensberger, 1994, 1997) that theculture of modernism, as embraced by the UnitedStates and more or less all other Western societies,is not sustainable, and that collapses bo... 展开

作者 Wolf Wolfensberger  
期刊名称 《Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Mental Retardation)》
页码/总页数 p.477-491 / 15
语种 英语
DOI 10.1352/1934-9556-49.6.477
馆藏号 E104EP00002